Starting a Morning Meditation Practice – Beginners Guide & Tips
meditation to start the day

Meditation is one of the most efficient ways to boost your health, uplift mood, and feel connected to your inner self. No wonder many people, especially beginners, have asked us ‘what is the best way to start a meditation practice?’. And that’s precisely why we decided to answer it! 

In this blog, Ekattva Yogshala will share a beginners guide for starting a morning meditation practice. By following our expert tips, you can start practicing meditation to start your day and produce: 

  • Remarkable changes in brain power 
  • Decrease levels of anxiety 
  • Increase overall happiness and well-being. 

Without further ado, here are the meditation tips to start the day: 

#1 Go into meditation practice with no expectations 

Most people think meditation starts delivering results from day 1. If you are starting meditation with the same expectations, let us tell you that it is no quick-fix to solving life’s problems. Just like anything else in life, meditation takes effort and time to reap the benefits. 

It is advised not to go into each meditation session with BIG expectations of feeling radiant afterwards . Instead, approach each meditation session  as an occasion to get to know your inner-self better. 

meditation to start the day

#2 Get comfortable with meditation 

Meditation practice would only start generating results when you reach a comfort level. Most beginners make meditation complex and challenging. Take it easy. Choose a room or space that can help your body and mind relax. It will allow you to transit easily into the meditation mindset. 

Take a comfortable seat. If you are flexible, sit cross-legged on the floor, meditation cushion, or blanket with your knees reclining slightly below your hips. Sitting in a chair with feet on the floor is also a comfortable way to start your meditation in the morning. 

Further reading: Check out feedback on yoga sessions at top yoga school of Rishikesh

#3 Choose the same time and place

Another important meditation practice tip for beginners to start their day! It induces your mind into submission to create a ritual. Choose a clearly designated space for starting a meditation practice. This can be as simple as sitting in front of a candle, picture, stone, or something that is thoughtfully placed. 

Schedule a time of the day to meditate. The best time to start practicing meditation is early morning. Regular yoga and meditation routine helps get the mind out of the left brain (logical, linear) and into the right hemisphere (intuitive, non-linear). 

meditation to start the day

#4 Take a couple of minutes to wind down 

Starting meditation practice doesn’t come easy, especially for beginners. It will be hard to sit still and calm your mind. Therefore, you need to stop thinking about chores, tasks, and life in general as it might contribute to a wandering mind and make it difficult for you to practice meditation. 

Try taking a few minutes to wind down, and then begin your meditation practice in the morning. This way, you can keep the mind from wandering back to something that you are supposed to do and allow you to focus more clearly. 

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#5 Begin with few deep breaths 

One of the best ways to start meditation is deep breathing. Take a few deep breaths before you begin your meditation practice to trigger the relaxation response in your body, which is actually the opposite of your nervous system’s fight or flight response. 

When the fight or flight response is triggered, the body gets ready for danger. However, with a relaxation response, your body begins to feel safe and at ease. 

Thus, as you start a meditation practice, your breathing will return to a normal rate. Pay attention to your breathing levels throughout the meditation. It will help you lower down the anxiety and stress as well.  

Find the most suitable meditation style among these 4 yoga practices

#6 Sit tall, start small 

A lot of meditation beginners don’t pay attention to this. Sitting up tall helps to bring the spinal column into alignment so that vertebral bodies and their discs support the torso. Expanding the chest improves breathing. Lengthening the spine also helps you increase your circulation and keeps you focused. 

Sit in a chair or against a wall if you need to. Also, start your meditation practice in small intervals. If 10 minutes seems overwhelming, begin with 5. After a week, begin to add 1 minute to your practice each week until you build up to 30 minutes or even more. 

meditation to start the day

#7 Try not to fidget or move too much

The best way to start meditation practice in the morning is by controlling body movement. This seems obvious but you’d be surprised how much beginners forget this! It will make you notice that there is a whirlwind of activity inside of you. If you overcome the fidgeting, you will start to experience a delicate place within which is filled with silence and stillness. 

During the meditation practice, you might feel restless and want to change positions throughout your session. If it is distracting or you are in pain, feel free to readjust. Try not to let your position become a distraction in itself. 

#8 Be kind to yourself

Meditation is all about your connection to yourself. It helps you learn how to treat yourself with kindness no matter what you may endure at any given moment. Meditation also teaches us radical recognition, kindness, and unconditional affection.  

Just like yoga practice, some days during meditation practice will be more easygoing than others. This could be because of the amount of sleep you had the night before, or the stress you were under during the week. So, be kind to yourself even if you are not able to focus. 

The best way to make your morning meditation practice successful is to surrender to exactly who you are, what your mind is capable of, and what is happening – right here, right now. 

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#9 Note your excuses 

It is normal to feel happy after meditation but it is also normal to feel a bit down. Most beginners that feel bad during the first few days of morning meditation practice often give up doing the same activity. Remember, meditation is a practice of self-inquiry. 

Instead of giving up, observe the excuses you tell yourself:

I’m too tired.

I don’t have time to wake up and practice.

I can’t focus. 

Just examine and understand without judgment. This will help you recommit to your practice without making excuses. 

Ekattva’s online meditation and breathing classes will help you in improving mental and physical health.  

#10 Start a meditation journal 

One of the best tips for meditation beginners! End your practice each day by observing the changes in your body and state of mind. 

What is happening to your mind? 

What is your emotional state? 

How was today different from yesterday?

Start a meditation journal to answer such questions and record your experience. Make note of any changes that register in your body and conscious mind. 

The next time you feel resistance to your meditation practice, flip through the notes in your journal. 

meditation to start the day

Above are the 10 useful meditation practice tips and ideas for beginners. By starting with these in mind, you can start your meditation practice more rewarding. 

For those who find it difficult to stick to a daily meditation practice on their own, we recommend them to join online meditation and pranayama classes at Ekattva Yogshala! 

Got any queries to ask regarding yoga and meditation practice? Send them at and have them answered by our yoga and meditation experts! 

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