10 Yoga Poses for Better Sleep- Beat Insomnia or Sleep Disorder
Yoga for better sleep

Do you often spend most of the nights waiting for better sleep? Surprisingly, 6% of the world’s total population suffers from the chronic health condition called insomnia. Medication helps in treating insomnia to an extent but it comes with the risks of side-effects. Some yoga asanas though are helping millions of people recover from this sleep disorder.

Yoga remarkably helps in overcoming stress, anxiety and depression which majorly leads to sleep deprivation. Ekattva Yogshala will guide you to better sleep and recover from insomnia with the help of 10 easy poses for beginners and intermediate yoga practitioners.

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Child pose or Balasana helps to relieve tension from your mind. To initiate this yoga posture, fold your torso over the legs with the arms extended or by the sides. Rest your head on the ground. You can also rub-down the forehead left to right easing tension at the brow point. Don’t forget to breathe deeply during the asana. Practice this asana daily for a sound sleep and overcome chronic Insomnia.

yoga for insomnia

Moon Breath (Chandra Bhedana)

Start with Mrigi Mudra (Deer Seal) with your right hand and bending your index and middle finger towards your palm. Make sure your ring and pinky finger remain extended. Now press your right thumb to your right nostril and deeply inhale through the left one. Repeat the same mudra with the opposite hand and nostril. Practice this asana before bedtime for 2-3 minutes, you will feel relaxed and will overcome insomnia soon.

Yoga for better sleep

Fire Log Pose (Agnistambhasana)

Agni Stambh begins with extending your left leg straight and then bending it, making a 90 degree angle. To continue, flex your right foot and rest it on top of your left knee making your shin stacked on top of your left. It initially may cause pain for some beginner yoga practitioners in their hip joint. Walk your hands forward as you exhale while stretching your hip. Hold for 1 minute and repeat on the other side. Practicing this yoga pose will help you sleep better.

yoga for better sleep

Plow Pose (Halasana)

Another effective sleep disorder recovering asana is Halasana. To perform this pose, lie down on your back while raising  your legs over the head and then lower them towards the ground behind you. To make this asana easier, Ekattva recommends keeping your hands either on your back for support or on the floor. Plow pose is a blood circulating yoga posture and practicing this asana will help in getting a sound sleep to people of every age.

yoga poses for sound sleep

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Legs Up The Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

Viparita Karani yoga asana is very simple yet effective stress relieving yoga posture. Lie down on the mat near a wall and raise your legs above with the wall support. Maintain this position for 3-5 minutes. This yoga pose helps to improve blood circulation and allow fresh blood flow to your heart. Besides this benefit, you sleep better and get rid of the stress and depression that are responsible for insomnia.

yoga for sound sleep

Extended Puppy Pose (Uttana Shishosana)

Begin the extended puppy pose by rolling forward onto all fours. Stack your hips over the knees and walk forward on your fingertips. Lift your elbows, relax your chest and forehead down. Release the facial tension by massaging your forehead. Hold this insomnia relieving pose for 1 minute and release by bringing your hips back to your heels. Practice this asana before sleep and recover from the sleeping disorder.

Yoga for better sleep

Reclining Butterfly (Supta Baddha Konasana)

The reclining butterfly is a modification of butterfly pose. It helps the body get into rest mode. Begin with lying down on your back and bringing the feet together, spreading out the knees like a diamond. Put a support under each of the knees if your thighs are stiff. Sit in this asana for 3-5 minutes everyday if you want to reap its early benefits and get rid of insomnia. Sleep better by practicing supta baddha konasana before going to bed to sleep better.

yoga for insomnia

Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)

This posture involves reclining and can be performed before going to bed. Lie down on your back. Now bring the right knee into your chest and then across your left. Extend your right arm out and gaze towards your right, don’t forget to breathe deeply. Now repeat it on the other side. Bringing both legs up and then over to each side is also a good move. Supta Matsyendrasana is a great yoga pose to sleep better and overcome insomnia.

yoga for sleep disorder

Easy Forward Bend (variation of Sukhasana)

Sukhasana is an easy pose that can get you sound sleep. First of all, sit cross legged and raise your arms. Now bend your torso towards front and allow your arms to stretch out while resting your forehead on the mat. Maintain this posture for 2 minutes. If you have tight thighs, reduce the time to 1 minute. Practice it  before bedtime and feel the positive change in your sleep pattern. Now you will sleep more easily than before.

yoga for sound sleep

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Corpse Pose (Shavasana)

Lie down on your back on the floor or yoga mat. Keep your arms beside your body and stay in a relaxed posture. Avoid any unnecessary movement and stay calm. Close your eyes and  breathe deeply. Try listening to soothing music if you get distracted by noises. The corpse asana is a restorative yogic posture that helps the body to relax and sleep better. Practice this yoga pose daily to reap its benefits regularly.

yoga for sound sleep
source- Google

Practicing yoga asanas not only helps to overcome physical but also mental stress to a great extent. Insomnia is the modern day sleep disorder that is the gift of stress and workload. To get rid of this condition, medicines are just an alternative that come with possible health risks. On the other hand, yoga only has benefits. Start practicing these insomnia remedial asanas and see for yourself! That said, we highly recommend consulting your doctor before getting off medication completely.

Want to learn yoga in a safe and calm environment? Enroll in Ekattva Yogshala ‘s 200 hours yoga teacher training course. Contact us through our e-mail: info@spiritualpunditz.com and get your queries answered from university educated teachers.

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2 Replies to “10 Yoga Poses for Better Sleep- Beat Insomnia or Sleep Disorder”

  1. Please let me have more information about good sleep. I have dreams in my sleep and I am disturbed having a tired day.

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