Doing Yoga In Office: Everything You Need To Know

It’s really good to wake up early and learn yoga online to kickstart your day. But have you ever considered taking stretch breaks at the office? Yoga is important especially for those people whose jobs require them to sit in an office chair, in front of a desktop for long hours.  Whenever we talk about …

Yoga For Corona: Reasons To Do It And More

Now that the talk of third wave of COVID-19 is already loud, more and more people are leaning toward the idea of practicing yoga to fight corona by boosting immunity and lung health. Sadly, there are some people who still don’t know why they should go for yoga to fight coronavirus. That’s why we decided …

4 Yoga Poses to Strengthen Core and Back: Learn Yoga Postures

Millions of people use yoga to develop back and core strength because it helps improve body posture and alleviate back pain. Still, a lot of people who want to strengthen their back and core have no idea which yoga poses to perform. That’s why we decided to help!  In this blog, Ekattva Yogshala will share …

Yoga at Your Work Desk and Chair – 7 Yoga Poses For Office Workers

Doing yoga at the work desk or chair seems amusing but it’s super relaxing and has many long-term benefits. Sitting for eight hours or more strains the neck, back, hips, and shoulders, which leads to tension and drowsiness in office workers.  Millions of office goers spend most of their days sitting in front of a …

8 Limbs of Yoga: Understand & Practice The Tree of Life
Mastering 8 limbs of yoga

8 limbs of yoga from Patanjali’s yoga sutra help us live in a flow of right action, constantly check in, and seek alignment with spiritual consciousness and awareness. Also called the basic blueprint of yoga, it is designed to help practitioners ease suffering and live more disciplined and purposeful lives.   Most people who are new …

5 Minute Yoga – 4 Morning Stretches & Poses For Adults & Kids
5 minute yoga

A lot of people don’t learn and practice yoga because they think it takes a lot of time. Well, it doesn’t because a lot of yoga stretches and postures can be done in just 5 minutes. Read this blog to learn yoga that can be done in just few minutes.

Yoga for Anxiety & Stress: 5 Yoga Asanas & Postures
yoga asanas for anxiety

Anxiety and stress has become an inseparable;e part of our work lives. To help men and women cope with stress, Ekattva has curated a list of yoga asanas that help deal with anxiety and improve mental health. Read and check your stress levels!

6 Yoga Poses for Knee Pain Recovery- Yoga Teachers Recommended!
yoga for knee pain

People with knee pain find it hard to climb steps, follow sports, and sometimes even walk moderate distances. While medications and therapy can help to a certain extent, yoga too can prevent joint deterioration and help regain strength and flexibility. For minor knee pain, regular yoga practice can also drive away from the problem on …

Top Yoga Poses for Healthy Heart- Activating Heart Chakra

Do you know that every year, nearly 60 million people die from heart attacks only in the USA? Stress, hypertension, and cholesterol are major reasons behind our spoilt cardiovascular health. Thankfully, yoga is helping tackle this epidemic as well. Multiple studies have observed that regular yoga practice keeps your heart healthy and helps it fight …

5 Fun & Easy Yoga Poses for Kids- Gift of Yoga for Children
yoga poses for kids

While yoga is fun for kids, introducing them to basic yoga poses at an early age will act as a foundation to healthy lifestyle habits. Yoga asanas are in harmony with nature, and therefore, practicing them at an early age will make children love and respect nature too. By practicing yoga, kids will learn about …

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